Topic-icon USMLE STEP 2 , Mastering the USMLE Step 2 CS ,Jo-Ann Reteguiz , 2004

14 years 1 month ago #1 by deniz
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Dr.Deniz Doruk

Resident in Psychiatry
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN

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14 years 1 month ago #2 by kerim
Editorial Reviews
Product Description
This one-of-a-kind interactive workbook

Prepares medical students for the Clinical Skills exam (CS) by simulating patient cases likely to be tested. Includes over 60 simulated practice cases in internal medicine, ob/gyn, pediatrics, psychiatry and surgery.

Each case includes a brief patient background and clinical pearls while the workbook format gives students an opportunity to develop checklists for each case. Students will also find this useful for end-of-clerkship OSCE.
About the Author
Jo-Ann Reteguiz, MD
Program Director
Department of Internal Medicine
UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School
Newark, NJ

Product Details

* Paperback: 420 pages
* Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical; 3 edition (November 28, 2004)
* Language: English

Yorum 1:I used this book, and this book only to prep for the CS examination, and I passed no problem. It gives about 60 "real style" cases for you to go over, complete with checklists for things you have to cover on history, on physical exam, and on discussion with the patient. It also has a great overview of what the test is about, how it's structured, and how you'll be scored. You can easily go over the cases alone, or even better while using a partner to act out the case and work out the timing you'll need during the actual examination (it goes fast).

It's a nebulous, difficult to prepare for examination, and I found this book extremely helpful. It's very difficult to actually sit down and study for an exam like this, so going over cases and practicing is probably the best thing you can do to get ready. This book's great for practicing, and I hope this was useful.

Yorum 2:I got this book because I knew that my learning style was to work it out now and look back to see what I need to fix. Sure enough this book was great because I passed without a problem. This book is great because it presents a case as would be presented during the USMLE step 2 cs and gives you a a blank page to write down questions that you would want to ask the patient or physical exam testing that you would want to do. Once you are done with the question asking, you can compare your approach with that of the book's. I also found it helpful that the book explained why you may or may not want to ask certain questions. Granted that this is a free response type of testing, you may not necessarily find the answer to every single question you ask, but then again, not finding your question may just help you understand that it is not relevant to the case.
I also found it very helpful for such cases in which you perform just the physical exam. With the current patient presentation, you can ask yourself what you would do for the PE, and you can check the list provided in the book to see what you missed or need to work on. The list should give you an idea for what the testers look for, i.e. washing your hands with every encounter. Again, the book explains why certain exams need to be performed and what the PE testing abnormalities indicate.
This book is also great in that it helps to try to direct your thinking and your differential diagnosis for the most common presentations. When I took my USMLE, I actually had a lot of the same cases that were from the book, such as the sensorineural hearing vs conductive hearing loss cases. There was even a psychiatric case where I had to write a minimental status exam for the test.
I highly recommend this book if your learning style is the kinesthetic type, i.e you learn better with hands on situations rather than just sitting and reading a book.


Dr.Kerim Karaoğlu

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