Topic-icon USMLE Step 3, Step-Up, Jonathan P. Van Kleunen, 2008

14 years 1 month ago #1 by irem
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Paylaşımınız için teşekkürler. Kaynakla ilgili Kaynak Bilgi Bankası'na ilk girişi yapmış olduğunuz için 15 USMER puanı almaya hak kazandınız. Katkılarınızın devamını dileriz.



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14 years 1 month ago #2 by onur
This new addition to the Step-Up series uses a case-based format to parallel the manner in which interns learn and the thought processes interns employ when seeing a patient. Each case presentation includes a work-up, diagnosis, and treatment. Each case presentation also includes a discussion of the multiple medical problems possible and the reason why they are or are not a component of the final diagnosis. The content focuses on subjects most commonly tested on the USMLE Step 3. Quick Hits, buzzwords, mnemonics, acronyms, and lists are used throughout the text.

A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and color photographs.


Yorum 1:

Very similar to many of the more standard review products. I did not think it was up to par with the other Step-Up series which are very good. Much better more efficient Step 3 review books out there.

Yorum 2:

The format of this review book is very unique -- it starts with a clinical case, explains it step by step, goes over the differential diagnosis and explains why other choices from the differential are less likely or entirely wrong. I am sure that some people would not find it as appealing and prefer some other ways of studying, but to say that this book is mediocre???!!! The previous reviewer says that there are much better books out there; I personally think that in addition to this one, the truly good review (not question) books are:
Kaplan Medical USMLE Master the Boards Step 3
Kaplan Medical USMLE Master the Boards Step 3
Blueprints Computer-Based Case Simulation Review: USMLE Step 3Blueprints Computer-Based Case Simulation Review: USMLE Step 3


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