Cleveland Clinic Genel Cerrahi Asistanlık Eğitim Programı
12 years 8 months ago #1
by umc
Cleveland Clinic Genel Cerrahi Asistanlık Eğitim Programı was created by umc
Brochure :
Congratulations to our PGY5 residents on their Fellowship and Staff placements for next year:
Vikram Attaluri, Colorectal Surgery, Cleveland Clinic
Seong Bae, Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgery, University of Southern California
Louisa Chiu, Surgical Oncology, City of Hope Cancer Center
Angel Farinas, Private Practice, Georgia
Roberto Ramirez, Clinical Associate, Cleveland Clinic
Kevin Shah, Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery, Duke University
Amit Sharma, Colorectal Surgery, University of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey
Nicole Sydow, Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Arizona
Jessica Titus, Vascular Surgery, Cleveland Clinic
Congratulations to our PGY2 residents pursuing research fellowships next year:
Adam Mace, Colorectal Cancer Biology, Cleveland Clinic - Lerner Research Institute
Jeffery Mino, Surgical Outcomes Clinical Research, Cleveland Clinic
Rosebel Montiero, Endocrine Surgery Clinical Research, Cleveland Clinic
Trang Nguyen, Pancreatic Cancer Biology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Jenny Pan, Surgical Oncology, National Institutes of Health - National Cancer Institute
Cleveland Clinic General Surgery Program Goals
Our commitment is to train young surgeons to a high level of clinical, academic, and systems competence, becoming professional leaders throughout their career in this rapidly changing field. Our goal is that our graduates excel in the six core competencies described by the ACGME:
Patient Care
Medical Knowledge
Practice Based Learning and Improvement
Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Systems Based Practice
As delineated below, our curriculum offers excellent training in all of these core areas. By mastering these competencies, our graduates will be surgical leaders throughout their career.
Each resident is paired with both a Staff Surgeon and a Senior Resident as mentors. Their role is to provide career counseling, ensure that each resident is developing well clinically, operating at the requisite skill level, developing research projects and publications, and filling leadership positions. More subtly, their role is to demonstrate a model for professionalism.
Research and Professional Development
The research opportunities at the Cleveland Clinic are outstanding – and thus all residents are expected to be productive in clinical research throughout their residency. You will have access to our our multiple institutional databases, electronic medical record which houses our massive clinical experience, and national databases. Resident travel to present research at national conferences is supported and fully funded, allowing you to make national contacts among surgical leaders early and often. Surgical innovation has complete institutional support. For interested residents, dedicated research and professional development time between the PGY-2 and 3 may be taken; roughly a quarter of our residents add one or more years of professional development to their five year residency. Activity in research ensures our residents are not only up to date in their medical and surgical knowledge, but advance the field.
Leadership Development
Professional leadership is developed through teaching and service. Many of our residents have received an academic appointment at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine through hands on teaching first year and third year of medical students in the anatomy lab. Appointment to academic and hospital committees is strongly encouraged to demonstrate leadership, develop inter-departmental relationships, and develop an understanding of hospital systems. Our residents have a strong history of leadership on the house staff association, often holding multiple positions. Two Administrative Chief Residents are chosen each year and are given broad responsibility in managing the residency program.
Clinical Training
Our training philosophy is involving all members of the teams in all phases of patient care at all times – pre operative decision making in the clinic or in consultation, in the operating room, and post-operative care. Experience is gained by operating on skill appropriate cases at our high volume quaternary care hospital, community hospitals, and ambulatory surgery centers. Leadership is developed by conferring a high level of responsibility early in the training program with progressive autonomy and responsibility. The most senior resident on a service is charged with assigning operative cases to residents and fellows, ensuring an optimal experience that is tailored to each resident.
Operative Case Volumes
Categories Minimum CCF 2006-2011 CCF 2011
Skin, Soft Tissue & Breast 25 78 93
Head & Neck 24 60 65
Alimentary Tract 24 206 254
Abdomen 65 230 316
Liver 4 18 15
Pancreas 3 22 16
Vascular 44 89 116
Endocrine 8 37 33
Trauma-Operative 10 21 20
Trauma-Non-Operative 20 76 76
Thoracic 15 26 28
Pediatric 20 48 41
Plastic 5 22 24
Laparoscopy-Basic 60 122 142
Laparoscopy-Complex 25 82 94
Flexible Endoscopy 85 159 174
Total Major 750 951 970
Total Chief 150 227 231
Junior Resident Rotations
Junior residents participate in one month rotations across the full spectrum of the general surgery subspecialties. Junior residents are expected to become technically proficient in bedside procedures, surgical ultrasonography, moderately complex laparoscopy, endoscopy, and moderately complex open surgery. At the completion of the junior years, residents are expected to be proficient in assessment of surgical risk, preoperative medical optimization, postoperative care of medically complex patients, surgical nutrition, and management of the critically ill or injured patient.
Surgical decision making is taught early by PGY-1 residents taking primary responsibility for inpatient consultations. Surgical technique is taught in our high-volume operating rooms by staff surgeons, with junior residents taking primary responsibility on routine cases and secondary responsibility on complex cases.
PGY-2 residents continue with increased responsibility and expectations in and out of the operating room. The PGY-2 is the senior resident on the Breast Surgery service and in the SICU, developing interpersonal and clinical leadership skills early in the training process.
Midlevel Rotations
The PGY-3 year focuses on building on leadership skills attained in PGY 1 and 2, developing surgical decision making on high-complexity and redo operations and fine-tuning operative skills in preparation for the senior years. The PGY-3 resident is the senior resident on the Pediatric Surgery service, the Cleveland Clinic Night Float service, and the community hospital Trauma service. Additional rotations in the surgical subspecialties include including Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive, Colorectal and Vascular Surgery.
Senior Rotations
The senior rotations are designed to put the finishing touches on our residents by giving them fellow-level experience and autonomy. Most senior rotations are extended to 10 weeks allowing close relationships to flourish with the staff surgeons. PGY-4 residents are service chiefs on the Liver Transplant, Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Metrohealth Trauma, and Endocrine Surgery services, with additional experience in the subspecialties. PGY-5 residents are acting fellows on the Colorectal and Vascular Surgery services, and chiefs on the Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary and General Surgery services.
Surgery Simulation
The Cleveland Clinic Center for Multidisciplinary Simulation has laparoscopy, flexible endoscopy, and endovascular surgery simulators, in addition to being a Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) training and testing site. In conjunction with the University Hospital/Case General Surgery residency we host a live laparoscopy course four times per year taught by endoscopic experts from both hospitals.
Night Float Call Format
All hospitals and services have a night-float or home call system. This format allows all team members operate in skill appropriate cases, providing longitudinal care of patients, and dedicate time to research projects, leadership positions, and knowledge base development. When not on night-float, junior residents typically take call two weekends per month and senior residents take call one or two weekends per month.
Clinical Conferences
Morbidity and Mortality Conference
Each week the chief residents electronically report cases for the M&M conference. The conference faculty moderator selects cases for presentation based on their teaching merit, and moderates the discussion. The most senior resident who operated on the patient presents the case, focusing on the clinical decision making, why the complication occurred, how the case could have been managed differently, and a review of the relevant literature. The focus of the conference is improving clinical decision making to improve patient care. Each hospital holds its own M&M conference.
Grand Rounds
These hour and a half seminars by faculty and visitors are diverse presentations aimed at both faculty and residents. Presentations are on a broad range of topics, including clinical topic updates, world health, surgical history, etc. These are broadcast to Hillcrest and Fairview hospitals.
Cleveland Clinic Conferences
Our residents may attend high-level, multidisciplinary conferences taught by our world-renowned faculty aimed at practicing digestive, vascular, oncologic and endocrine disease specialists. These combine clinical management updates by thought leaders, hands-on skills development, and quality and patient safety developments.
PGY-1 Fundamentals of Surgery Seminar Series
Residents arrive as PGY-1’s with range of knowledge and clinical experience. All General Surgery, Urology, Orthopedic Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology, and Integrated Vascular Surgery residents have a year long curriculum with weekly reading topics and didactic seminars. These are broadcast to Hillcrest and Fairview hospitals.
General Surgery Journal Club
A journal club is held monthly, typically at an extramural restaurant. Articles are selected by residents and faculty around a theme, and are discussed in a congenial atmosphere. Topics are rotated month to month.
Service Specific Conferences
Each service holds its own pre-operative clinical decision making conferences (weekly) and journal clubs (monthly).
Board Review Conference
PGY-5 residents have a weekly board review conference with the curriculum based on the SESAP series.
Structured Curriculum
The SCORE curriculum is the basis for our weakly junior and senior resident reading series, as well as rotation specific learning goals.
Board Passage Rates
The American Board of Surgery publishes board passage rates for every program annually. For the Cleveland Clinic General Surgery Residency, cumulative first time board passage rates 2005-2010 for n = 19 residents: qualifying exam 100%, certifying exam 84%. National rates over the same period of time run in the high 70%s for both exams.
What are your resident employment benefits?
Residents are Cleveland Clinic employees with standardized salaries and other benefits.
What opportunities are at Cleveland Clinic for my significant other?
Cleveland Clinic is the largest private employer in Northeast Ohio with over 39,000 employees. We have myriad training programs for physicians, biomedical researchers, and employment opportunities for physicians, researchers, nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists, allied health professionals, business professionals, information technology professionals, and other fields.
How many residents are in your program?
We are approved for 10 categorical residents per year for five clinical years. A varying number of our categorical residents take additional dedicated time for research or professional development. Additionally, we are approved for 5 PGY-1 non-designated preliminary residents and 4 PGY-2 non-designated preliminary residents.
What are you looking for in an applicant?
We are looking for outstanding individuals to immerse in a high volume surgical environment that offers high quality, scientifically advanced care in an economically savvy environment. We seek the most promising surgeons as demonstrated leadership abilities, academic productiveness, knowledge base, and positive personal qualities among applicants from diverse backgrounds.
Who makes up the PGY-1 surgery class?
Our PGY-1 class is made up of PGY-1 General Surgery residents, Integrated Vascular Surgery, Urology, Orthopedic, ENT, and Non-Designated Preliminary Surgery residents. There is a different set of rotations across the subspecialties for each resident group designed to meet the learning needs of each specialty.
What is your application process?
Cleveland Clinic has minimum requirements for resident application and employment, all of which are all required in the standard ERAS application. We have no secondary application form. We review every submitted application completely and carefully, and a selected group is offered on-site interviews.
What are your NRMP program codes?
Categorical General Surgery 1968440C0
Non-Designated Preliminary Surgery 1968440P0
Cleveland Clinic is a large facility, how do I find my way around?
While Cleveland Clinic has a large campus, it is easily walkable from the visitor parking garages and the three on campus hotels: the InterContinental Hotel, the InterContinental Suites, and the Cleveland Clinic Guest House. The General Surgery offices are on the tenth floor of the A building (desk A100).
General Surgery Residency
Janine Keough
Head Residency Coordinator
Fax: 216.445.7653
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Lisa Paciorek Donkin
Residency Coordinator
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Lea Smith
Residency Coordinator
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Medical Student Rotations
Sharon Preztak
Medical Student Surgical Education Coordinator
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Graduate Medical Education
Main Office
Fax: 216.444.6112
Cleveland Clinic Operator
Congratulations to our PGY5 residents on their Fellowship and Staff placements for next year:
Vikram Attaluri, Colorectal Surgery, Cleveland Clinic
Seong Bae, Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgery, University of Southern California
Louisa Chiu, Surgical Oncology, City of Hope Cancer Center
Angel Farinas, Private Practice, Georgia
Roberto Ramirez, Clinical Associate, Cleveland Clinic
Kevin Shah, Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery, Duke University
Amit Sharma, Colorectal Surgery, University of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey
Nicole Sydow, Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Arizona
Jessica Titus, Vascular Surgery, Cleveland Clinic
Congratulations to our PGY2 residents pursuing research fellowships next year:
Adam Mace, Colorectal Cancer Biology, Cleveland Clinic - Lerner Research Institute
Jeffery Mino, Surgical Outcomes Clinical Research, Cleveland Clinic
Rosebel Montiero, Endocrine Surgery Clinical Research, Cleveland Clinic
Trang Nguyen, Pancreatic Cancer Biology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Jenny Pan, Surgical Oncology, National Institutes of Health - National Cancer Institute
Cleveland Clinic General Surgery Program Goals
Our commitment is to train young surgeons to a high level of clinical, academic, and systems competence, becoming professional leaders throughout their career in this rapidly changing field. Our goal is that our graduates excel in the six core competencies described by the ACGME:
Patient Care
Medical Knowledge
Practice Based Learning and Improvement
Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Systems Based Practice
As delineated below, our curriculum offers excellent training in all of these core areas. By mastering these competencies, our graduates will be surgical leaders throughout their career.
Each resident is paired with both a Staff Surgeon and a Senior Resident as mentors. Their role is to provide career counseling, ensure that each resident is developing well clinically, operating at the requisite skill level, developing research projects and publications, and filling leadership positions. More subtly, their role is to demonstrate a model for professionalism.
Research and Professional Development
The research opportunities at the Cleveland Clinic are outstanding – and thus all residents are expected to be productive in clinical research throughout their residency. You will have access to our our multiple institutional databases, electronic medical record which houses our massive clinical experience, and national databases. Resident travel to present research at national conferences is supported and fully funded, allowing you to make national contacts among surgical leaders early and often. Surgical innovation has complete institutional support. For interested residents, dedicated research and professional development time between the PGY-2 and 3 may be taken; roughly a quarter of our residents add one or more years of professional development to their five year residency. Activity in research ensures our residents are not only up to date in their medical and surgical knowledge, but advance the field.
Leadership Development
Professional leadership is developed through teaching and service. Many of our residents have received an academic appointment at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine through hands on teaching first year and third year of medical students in the anatomy lab. Appointment to academic and hospital committees is strongly encouraged to demonstrate leadership, develop inter-departmental relationships, and develop an understanding of hospital systems. Our residents have a strong history of leadership on the house staff association, often holding multiple positions. Two Administrative Chief Residents are chosen each year and are given broad responsibility in managing the residency program.
Clinical Training
Our training philosophy is involving all members of the teams in all phases of patient care at all times – pre operative decision making in the clinic or in consultation, in the operating room, and post-operative care. Experience is gained by operating on skill appropriate cases at our high volume quaternary care hospital, community hospitals, and ambulatory surgery centers. Leadership is developed by conferring a high level of responsibility early in the training program with progressive autonomy and responsibility. The most senior resident on a service is charged with assigning operative cases to residents and fellows, ensuring an optimal experience that is tailored to each resident.
Operative Case Volumes
Categories Minimum CCF 2006-2011 CCF 2011
Skin, Soft Tissue & Breast 25 78 93
Head & Neck 24 60 65
Alimentary Tract 24 206 254
Abdomen 65 230 316
Liver 4 18 15
Pancreas 3 22 16
Vascular 44 89 116
Endocrine 8 37 33
Trauma-Operative 10 21 20
Trauma-Non-Operative 20 76 76
Thoracic 15 26 28
Pediatric 20 48 41
Plastic 5 22 24
Laparoscopy-Basic 60 122 142
Laparoscopy-Complex 25 82 94
Flexible Endoscopy 85 159 174
Total Major 750 951 970
Total Chief 150 227 231
Junior Resident Rotations
Junior residents participate in one month rotations across the full spectrum of the general surgery subspecialties. Junior residents are expected to become technically proficient in bedside procedures, surgical ultrasonography, moderately complex laparoscopy, endoscopy, and moderately complex open surgery. At the completion of the junior years, residents are expected to be proficient in assessment of surgical risk, preoperative medical optimization, postoperative care of medically complex patients, surgical nutrition, and management of the critically ill or injured patient.
Surgical decision making is taught early by PGY-1 residents taking primary responsibility for inpatient consultations. Surgical technique is taught in our high-volume operating rooms by staff surgeons, with junior residents taking primary responsibility on routine cases and secondary responsibility on complex cases.
PGY-2 residents continue with increased responsibility and expectations in and out of the operating room. The PGY-2 is the senior resident on the Breast Surgery service and in the SICU, developing interpersonal and clinical leadership skills early in the training process.
Midlevel Rotations
The PGY-3 year focuses on building on leadership skills attained in PGY 1 and 2, developing surgical decision making on high-complexity and redo operations and fine-tuning operative skills in preparation for the senior years. The PGY-3 resident is the senior resident on the Pediatric Surgery service, the Cleveland Clinic Night Float service, and the community hospital Trauma service. Additional rotations in the surgical subspecialties include including Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive, Colorectal and Vascular Surgery.
Senior Rotations
The senior rotations are designed to put the finishing touches on our residents by giving them fellow-level experience and autonomy. Most senior rotations are extended to 10 weeks allowing close relationships to flourish with the staff surgeons. PGY-4 residents are service chiefs on the Liver Transplant, Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Metrohealth Trauma, and Endocrine Surgery services, with additional experience in the subspecialties. PGY-5 residents are acting fellows on the Colorectal and Vascular Surgery services, and chiefs on the Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary and General Surgery services.
Surgery Simulation
The Cleveland Clinic Center for Multidisciplinary Simulation has laparoscopy, flexible endoscopy, and endovascular surgery simulators, in addition to being a Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) training and testing site. In conjunction with the University Hospital/Case General Surgery residency we host a live laparoscopy course four times per year taught by endoscopic experts from both hospitals.
Night Float Call Format
All hospitals and services have a night-float or home call system. This format allows all team members operate in skill appropriate cases, providing longitudinal care of patients, and dedicate time to research projects, leadership positions, and knowledge base development. When not on night-float, junior residents typically take call two weekends per month and senior residents take call one or two weekends per month.
Clinical Conferences
Morbidity and Mortality Conference
Each week the chief residents electronically report cases for the M&M conference. The conference faculty moderator selects cases for presentation based on their teaching merit, and moderates the discussion. The most senior resident who operated on the patient presents the case, focusing on the clinical decision making, why the complication occurred, how the case could have been managed differently, and a review of the relevant literature. The focus of the conference is improving clinical decision making to improve patient care. Each hospital holds its own M&M conference.
Grand Rounds
These hour and a half seminars by faculty and visitors are diverse presentations aimed at both faculty and residents. Presentations are on a broad range of topics, including clinical topic updates, world health, surgical history, etc. These are broadcast to Hillcrest and Fairview hospitals.
Cleveland Clinic Conferences
Our residents may attend high-level, multidisciplinary conferences taught by our world-renowned faculty aimed at practicing digestive, vascular, oncologic and endocrine disease specialists. These combine clinical management updates by thought leaders, hands-on skills development, and quality and patient safety developments.
PGY-1 Fundamentals of Surgery Seminar Series
Residents arrive as PGY-1’s with range of knowledge and clinical experience. All General Surgery, Urology, Orthopedic Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology, and Integrated Vascular Surgery residents have a year long curriculum with weekly reading topics and didactic seminars. These are broadcast to Hillcrest and Fairview hospitals.
General Surgery Journal Club
A journal club is held monthly, typically at an extramural restaurant. Articles are selected by residents and faculty around a theme, and are discussed in a congenial atmosphere. Topics are rotated month to month.
Service Specific Conferences
Each service holds its own pre-operative clinical decision making conferences (weekly) and journal clubs (monthly).
Board Review Conference
PGY-5 residents have a weekly board review conference with the curriculum based on the SESAP series.
Structured Curriculum
The SCORE curriculum is the basis for our weakly junior and senior resident reading series, as well as rotation specific learning goals.
Board Passage Rates
The American Board of Surgery publishes board passage rates for every program annually. For the Cleveland Clinic General Surgery Residency, cumulative first time board passage rates 2005-2010 for n = 19 residents: qualifying exam 100%, certifying exam 84%. National rates over the same period of time run in the high 70%s for both exams.
What are your resident employment benefits?
Residents are Cleveland Clinic employees with standardized salaries and other benefits.
What opportunities are at Cleveland Clinic for my significant other?
Cleveland Clinic is the largest private employer in Northeast Ohio with over 39,000 employees. We have myriad training programs for physicians, biomedical researchers, and employment opportunities for physicians, researchers, nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists, allied health professionals, business professionals, information technology professionals, and other fields.
How many residents are in your program?
We are approved for 10 categorical residents per year for five clinical years. A varying number of our categorical residents take additional dedicated time for research or professional development. Additionally, we are approved for 5 PGY-1 non-designated preliminary residents and 4 PGY-2 non-designated preliminary residents.
What are you looking for in an applicant?
We are looking for outstanding individuals to immerse in a high volume surgical environment that offers high quality, scientifically advanced care in an economically savvy environment. We seek the most promising surgeons as demonstrated leadership abilities, academic productiveness, knowledge base, and positive personal qualities among applicants from diverse backgrounds.
Who makes up the PGY-1 surgery class?
Our PGY-1 class is made up of PGY-1 General Surgery residents, Integrated Vascular Surgery, Urology, Orthopedic, ENT, and Non-Designated Preliminary Surgery residents. There is a different set of rotations across the subspecialties for each resident group designed to meet the learning needs of each specialty.
What is your application process?
Cleveland Clinic has minimum requirements for resident application and employment, all of which are all required in the standard ERAS application. We have no secondary application form. We review every submitted application completely and carefully, and a selected group is offered on-site interviews.
What are your NRMP program codes?
Categorical General Surgery 1968440C0
Non-Designated Preliminary Surgery 1968440P0
Cleveland Clinic is a large facility, how do I find my way around?
While Cleveland Clinic has a large campus, it is easily walkable from the visitor parking garages and the three on campus hotels: the InterContinental Hotel, the InterContinental Suites, and the Cleveland Clinic Guest House. The General Surgery offices are on the tenth floor of the A building (desk A100).
General Surgery Residency
Janine Keough
Head Residency Coordinator
Fax: 216.445.7653
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Lisa Paciorek Donkin
Residency Coordinator
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Lea Smith
Residency Coordinator
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Medical Student Rotations
Sharon Preztak
Medical Student Surgical Education Coordinator
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Graduate Medical Education
Main Office
Fax: 216.444.6112
Cleveland Clinic Operator
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