Protocol for outpatient ECT referrals
Contact XXX via email or x53591 to confirm insurance coverage for ECT.
Once coverage verified, contact ECT staff (Drs A, B, C) to discuss case and preferably schedule a brief consultation visit (20-30 minutes) so that we can meet the patient prior to the day of procedure, review treatment details, order appropriate workup (see below), ensure discussion of risks and benefits, and document informed consent.
If a referral visit is not possible due to urgency, the following will need to be coordinated/performed prior to scheduling:
Contact XXX to schedule IMPACT pre-op medical evaluation.
Place orders for labwork in Epic- CBC, CMP, U/A
i. uHCG (qual) for women of childbearing age |
ii. CT Brain w/o contrast if applicable or not done in past |
Taper/discontinue any medications which may adversely interact or interfere with treatments (benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants)
Obtain informed consent document and outpatient ECT instruction sheet from xxx
Once above is completed and reviewed, contact xxx to place patient on ECT schedule.
*** The typical turnaround time for the above process, including workup & testing, is 5-7 days. If a patient is in need of more urgent attention, consider admission for inpatient ECT at The Cleveland Clinic Psychiatric Inpatient Unit