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- Staj ve Gözlemcilik (Clerkship - Observership)
- "HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır?
"HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır?
13 years 5 months ago #1
by abdulkadir1983
Replied by abdulkadir1983 on topic "HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır?
Arkadaşlar gözlemciliğe kabul edildiğim yerden HIPPA Trainingi tamamlamamı istemişlerdi.Sitede arkadaşlara danıştım ama net bir cevap bulamadım.Şimdi ne olduğunu öğrendim sizlerlede paylaşmak istiyorum.Amerikadaki sekreter hanıma ne yapacağım konusunda mesaj attım.Kendisi bana bir kullanıcı adı ve kullanıcı şifresi ve bir washington üniversitesinin ilgili sayfasının adresini gönderdi.Açtım kullanıcı şifresini girdim birkaç eğitim vardı sırayla o sayfaları açıp içlerindeki yazıları okuyup sonundaki 3 yada 4 soruyu cevaplıyorsunuz.Her bölüm sonunda tamamlandı şeklinde işaretler çıkıyor.Ben 2 3 saatte bitirdim hepsini.Daha sonra programı tamamladığım sisteme otomatik upload ediliyor.Programda elektronik aletlerin kullanımı,hasta bilgilerinin kimlere,ne kadar açıklanacağı,bilgilerin transferinde neler nasıl kullanılmalı,hasta hakları gibi genel hepimizin aslında bildiği kolay bilgiler var.sorular çok kolay.Anladığım kadarıyla bu programları her üniversite kendisi veriyor üç aşağı beş yukarı bilgiler aynı diye biliyorum.Bana gönderdikleri yazıyıda aşağıya ekleyeyim.
HIPAA Privacy Web Based Training Instructions for Radiology
User Name: Abdülkadir MIR group for distribution
User ID:
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, also known as HIPAA, defines standards for protecting the security and confidentiality of health information, how they should be used and how patient data should be interchanged. It also specifies certain rights of consumers with respect to the use and disclosure of his/her own health information. This Federal law became effective on April 14, 2003.
Washington University requires that all Faculty and Staff be trained on HIPAA compliance in order to avoid Federal penalties.
To access the HIPAA courseware, type in hipaatraining.wustl.edu inside the address box of Microsoft Internet Explorer browser and click on go or press the enter key on the keyboard. The log-on screen will appear. You may access this site from MIR or from home. (Note: NetScape causes errors in this program)
1. Input your First name (as registered above), Last name, User ID (all 7 digits) and
Select "continue"
2. Select "ALL USERS" under job function, then select your viewing option based on your computer capabilities. The viewing options include:
Text and Graphics
This option does not include video or audio. It doesn't require a sound card, and is suitable for all connection speeds. This option is also recommended for PCs with dial up connections.
Slide Show with Audio
This option includes a video slideshow and audio. It requires RealPlayer or Windows Media Player and a sound card and is suitable for 56k and faster connections.
This option includes motion video and audio. It requires RealPlayer or Windows Media Player and a sound card, and is suitable for fast connections such as corporate network.
Now select continue.
3. Select "How to Use These Courses" to understand how the Courseware works. Once you complete this section, select "HIPAA Compliance" to begin the courseware.
4. Select "Yes, I agree to the above. Please continue with the courseware."
5. Select your curriculum track, as indicated at the top of this sheet, from the list,
(2) Awareness
(3) Workforce with PHI Contact
(4) Billers / Coders
(5) IS Staff / Department Unit HIPAA staff
It is important you choose the correct curriculum track assigned by your Trainer so that you are credited for completing the correct modules, select "continue".
If you experience any technical difficulty while accessing this courseware, please contact the MIR help desk at 2-8475 or your usual computing support staff.
You may stop at the end of a module and the program will continue where you left off the next time you sign on. Follow the courseware Exit procedure.
Be sure to complete the quiz at the end of a module to get credit for that module. There are no grades. They are only there to make sure you understand the key concepts. The program tracks how much time is spent on each module.
Contact the MIR HelpDesk (e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 314, 362-8475) for technical assistance.
The Wash. Univ. HIPAA Web site – hipaa.wustl.edu , has more information.
HIPAA Privacy Web Based Training Instructions for Radiology
User Name: Abdülkadir MIR group for distribution
User ID:
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, also known as HIPAA, defines standards for protecting the security and confidentiality of health information, how they should be used and how patient data should be interchanged. It also specifies certain rights of consumers with respect to the use and disclosure of his/her own health information. This Federal law became effective on April 14, 2003.
Washington University requires that all Faculty and Staff be trained on HIPAA compliance in order to avoid Federal penalties.
To access the HIPAA courseware, type in hipaatraining.wustl.edu inside the address box of Microsoft Internet Explorer browser and click on go or press the enter key on the keyboard. The log-on screen will appear. You may access this site from MIR or from home. (Note: NetScape causes errors in this program)
1. Input your First name (as registered above), Last name, User ID (all 7 digits) and
Select "continue"
2. Select "ALL USERS" under job function, then select your viewing option based on your computer capabilities. The viewing options include:
Text and Graphics
This option does not include video or audio. It doesn't require a sound card, and is suitable for all connection speeds. This option is also recommended for PCs with dial up connections.
Slide Show with Audio
This option includes a video slideshow and audio. It requires RealPlayer or Windows Media Player and a sound card and is suitable for 56k and faster connections.
This option includes motion video and audio. It requires RealPlayer or Windows Media Player and a sound card, and is suitable for fast connections such as corporate network.
Now select continue.
3. Select "How to Use These Courses" to understand how the Courseware works. Once you complete this section, select "HIPAA Compliance" to begin the courseware.
4. Select "Yes, I agree to the above. Please continue with the courseware."
5. Select your curriculum track, as indicated at the top of this sheet, from the list,
(2) Awareness
(3) Workforce with PHI Contact
(4) Billers / Coders
(5) IS Staff / Department Unit HIPAA staff
It is important you choose the correct curriculum track assigned by your Trainer so that you are credited for completing the correct modules, select "continue".
If you experience any technical difficulty while accessing this courseware, please contact the MIR help desk at 2-8475 or your usual computing support staff.
You may stop at the end of a module and the program will continue where you left off the next time you sign on. Follow the courseware Exit procedure.
Be sure to complete the quiz at the end of a module to get credit for that module. There are no grades. They are only there to make sure you understand the key concepts. The program tracks how much time is spent on each module.
Contact the MIR HelpDesk (e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 314, 362-8475) for technical assistance.
The Wash. Univ. HIPAA Web site – hipaa.wustl.edu , has more information.
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- abdulkadir1983
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13 years 8 months ago #2
by abdulkadir1983
Replied by abdulkadir1983 on topic "HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır?
abi senin videoyu izledim genel bir bilgi edindim sağolsun hejarın attıklarından sonra iyice kafama oturdu.zaten ben gelmeden bir hafta önce mail atacaklarını söylediler.birkaç gün içinde o bilgileri okuyup hallederim heralde.çok teşekkür ederim herkese.
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- abdulkadir1983
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13 years 8 months ago #3
by hejar
Replied by hejar on topic "HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır?
HIPPA training modüllerini ben de aldım. Şöyle anlatayım; Bu yaklaşık on adet modül ve sertifikasyon içeren bir program. Her ünviersite veya her pozisyona göre alman gereken sertifikalar değişiyor. Sana HIPPA instructions diye bir form atıyolar o formda URL adresi falan var. Ordan bir kullanıcı hesabı acıyorsun ve modüle tabi tutuluyorsun.Modül de şöyle bir şey;bir takım kanunlar ve olaylar anlatılıyor daha sonra bunlarla ilgili örnek sorular var. En son sen kendini hazı hissettiginde test aşamasına geçiyorsun. İyi takip edersen zaten rahatlıkla geciyorsun. Benden iki modül istenmişti. Yüz üzerinden yüz almıştım.Basit yani.Sertifikasyon için 70 barajı gerekiyor. Modülün sonunda sana bir sertifika düzenleniyor sen de onu yazdırıp kuruma gönderiyorsun.Bunu dert etmene gerek yok. Garanti gibi bişey.Sadece onu okuman isteniyor.
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13 years 8 months ago #4
by abdulkadir1983
Replied by abdulkadir1983 on topic "HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır?
ben sonunda anladım bana gelen ve burda yazdığım maili daha dikkatli okuyunca anladım.onlar ben gelemden 1 hafta önce netten bana training mailleri gönderecekler.bende onları dolduracağım.
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- abdulkadir1983
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13 years 8 months ago #5
by ertug
Replied by ertug on topic "HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır?
gözlemci olarak gideceksen eğer neden HIPA istesinler ki ? hastaya dokunmayacaksan eğer bir yanlış olması gerekir...
Aksi halde cok sanslısın ki resmi hands on bir konumun ve ECMFG olmadan hastaya dokunduruyorlarsa ....
Aksi halde cok sanslısın ki resmi hands on bir konumun ve ECMFG olmadan hastaya dokunduruyorlarsa ....
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- ertug
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13 years 8 months ago #6
by abdulkadir1983
Replied by abdulkadir1983 on topic "HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır?
şimdi anladım onların bana göndereceği formları okuyup dolduracağım.
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- abdulkadir1983
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13 years 8 months ago #7
by kerim
Replied by kerim on topic "HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır?
bildigim kadariyla internet uzerinden sana yollanan linki takip ederek bir seyler okuyup sorulari yanitlama seklinde oluyor.
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13 years 8 months ago #8
by abdulkadir1983
Replied by abdulkadir1983 on topic "HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır?
hala araştırıyorum ama birşey bulamadım üniversitenin kendisinden mi alacağım acaba?
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- abdulkadir1983
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13 years 8 months ago - 13 years 8 months ago #9
by abdulkadir1983
Replied by abdulkadir1983 on topic "HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır?
Merhaba gözlemci olarak gideceğim yerde şöyle bir mail geldi.
Prior to your arrival, you will need to complete the HIPAA training. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, also known as HIPAA, defines standards for protecting the security and confidentiality of health information, how they should be used and how patient data should be interchanged. This Federal law became effective on April 14, 2003. Washington University requires that all Faculty and staff be trained on HIPAA compliance in order to avoid Federal penalties.
One month before your arrival, you will receive the HIPAA document by email, along with instructions on how to go on line and complete the training
nerden ve nasıl alınır bu hipa pek anlayamadım yardımcı olursanız sevinirim
Prior to your arrival, you will need to complete the HIPAA training. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, also known as HIPAA, defines standards for protecting the security and confidentiality of health information, how they should be used and how patient data should be interchanged. This Federal law became effective on April 14, 2003. Washington University requires that all Faculty and staff be trained on HIPAA compliance in order to avoid Federal penalties.
One month before your arrival, you will receive the HIPAA document by email, along with instructions on how to go on line and complete the training
nerden ve nasıl alınır bu hipa pek anlayamadım yardımcı olursanız sevinirim
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- abdulkadir1983
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14 years 1 week ago - 13 years 5 months ago #10
by furkan
"HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır? was created by furkan
HIPAA training nedir ve nasil alinir?
Internette su siteyi buldum:www.hipaatraining.com/
Aranizda HIPAA sertifikasini alanlar oldu mu? Ve hangi siteyi kullandiniz?
Internette su siteyi buldum:www.hipaatraining.com/
Aranizda HIPAA sertifikasini alanlar oldu mu? Ve hangi siteyi kullandiniz?
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- Staj ve Gözlemcilik (Clerkship - Observership)
- "HIPAA training" nedir ve nasıl alınır?
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