PTAL (California Letter) Nedir ve Nasıl Alınır?
13 years 1 month ago #1
by umc
Hatice, O harika yazıyı hatırlıyorum, maalesef bulamıyorum. Bundan bir yıl kadar önce USMLE Türk'de teknik bir kaza oldu, bazı şeyleri geri getiremedik
Replied by umc on topic PTAL (California Letter) Nedir ve Nasıl Alınır?
Aslinda ben PTAL ile ilgili kendi deneyimlerimi anlatan detaylica bir yazi yazmistim. Tam hatirlamiyorum ya burada ya da USMLETURK'de. Belki Ulas onu alip buraya koyabilir.
Hatice, O harika yazıyı hatırlıyorum, maalesef bulamıyorum. Bundan bir yıl kadar önce USMLE Türk'de teknik bir kaza oldu, bazı şeyleri geri getiremedik
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13 years 1 month ago #2
by hatice
Replied by hatice on topic PTAL (California Letter) Nedir ve Nasıl Alınır?
Aslinda ben PTAL ile ilgili kendi deneyimlerimi anlatan detaylica bir yazi yazmistim. Tam hatirlamiyorum ya burada ya da USMLETURK'de. Belki Ulas onu alip buraya koyabilir.
Sorunun cevabini bulmussunama ben biraz daha genisletebilirim. Evet her sene yenilemen lazim, ta ki California Board'unu alana kadar. Bunun icin update bilgilerini gonderiyorsun. Yalniz eger sende bir ilerleme yok yani herhangibiryede bir egitim vs almiyorsan problem cikarabiliyorlarmis. Diyelim ki baska eyalette birseye basladin, onlarin gonderdigi, program direktorunun de onaylayacagi bir belgeyi update ile beraber gonderiyorsun onlar bunu arsivlerine koyuyor. Zaten herhangibir ACGME onayli 2 yil egitim alirsan california lisansini alabilirsin artik..
Kolay gelsin.
Sorunun cevabini bulmussunama ben biraz daha genisletebilirim. Evet her sene yenilemen lazim, ta ki California Board'unu alana kadar. Bunun icin update bilgilerini gonderiyorsun. Yalniz eger sende bir ilerleme yok yani herhangibiryede bir egitim vs almiyorsan problem cikarabiliyorlarmis. Diyelim ki baska eyalette birseye basladin, onlarin gonderdigi, program direktorunun de onaylayacagi bir belgeyi update ile beraber gonderiyorsun onlar bunu arsivlerine koyuyor. Zaten herhangibir ACGME onayli 2 yil egitim alirsan california lisansini alabilirsin artik..
Kolay gelsin.
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13 years 1 month ago #3
by kerim
Replied by kerim on topic PTAL (California Letter) Nedir ve Nasıl Alınır?
Sorunun cevabını kendim buldum. Yenilemek gerekebiliyormuş belli bir zaman geçtikten sonra. Bunun için herhangi bir ücret ödemeden istenilen bir kaç formu doldurup göndermek yeterliymiş.
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13 years 1 month ago #4
by kerim
Replied by kerim on topic PTAL (California Letter) Nedir ve Nasıl Alınır?
Bilgilendirme için teşekkürler Hatice. Ben de CS dolayısıyla 2 gündür los angeles dayım. Buraya gelene kadar batı yakası gibi bir düşüncem yoktu fakat artık burayı da seçenekler arasına koymak istiyorum.
Sana sormak istediğim şey, PTAL'ın bir geçerlilik süresi var mı (ECFMG sertifikasında olduğu gibi). Örneğin asistanlığımı başka bir eyalette yaptıktan sonra yan dal veya farklı şekilde 5-6 yıl sonra California'ya gelmek istesem hala geçerli olur mu, onu merak ediyorum.
Aslında ilk başvuru sırasında yaklaşık 500 usd almasalardı yarın parmak izi vermeyi düşünebilirdim ama şimdilik biraz fazla geldi
Sana sormak istediğim şey, PTAL'ın bir geçerlilik süresi var mı (ECFMG sertifikasında olduğu gibi). Örneğin asistanlığımı başka bir eyalette yaptıktan sonra yan dal veya farklı şekilde 5-6 yıl sonra California'ya gelmek istesem hala geçerli olur mu, onu merak ediyorum.
Aslında ilk başvuru sırasında yaklaşık 500 usd almasalardı yarın parmak izi vermeyi düşünebilirdim ama şimdilik biraz fazla geldi
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13 years 1 month ago - 13 years 1 month ago #5
by hatice
Replied by hatice on topic PTAL (California Letter) Nedir ve Nasıl Alınır?
PTAL ile ilgili Kerim'in hazirladigi baslik kilitlendigi icin buraya ayri bir baslik altinda yazmak zorunda kaldim.
PTAL'a basvuru'yu baslatmak icin ECFMG sertifikasina sahip olmaniz gerekli degil. Sinavlardan herhangi birini almis olmaniz sureci baslatmak icin yeterli. Orada sizin icin dosya acip gerekli evraklari gondermenizi ve internet sitesindeki formla birlikte gondermeniz gerekli. Surec baya uzun surdugu icin herhangibir sinavi alip, baslatabilirsiniz. Onlar sizin evraklarinizi vs. kontrol edecekler..Ancak PTAL sertifikasina sahip olmak icin ECFMG sertifikanizi almis olmaniz sart.
Kolay gelsin.
PTAL'a basvuru'yu baslatmak icin ECFMG sertifikasina sahip olmaniz gerekli degil. Sinavlardan herhangi birini almis olmaniz sureci baslatmak icin yeterli. Orada sizin icin dosya acip gerekli evraklari gondermenizi ve internet sitesindeki formla birlikte gondermeniz gerekli. Surec baya uzun surdugu icin herhangibir sinavi alip, baslatabilirsiniz. Onlar sizin evraklarinizi vs. kontrol edecekler..Ancak PTAL sertifikasina sahip olmak icin ECFMG sertifikanizi almis olmaniz sart.
Kolay gelsin.
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13 years 6 months ago - 13 years 6 months ago #6
by kerim
PTAL (California Letter) Nedir ve Nasıl Alınır? was created by kerim
PTAL (Postgraduate Training Authorization Letter) veya bilinen ismiyle California Letter, California'da yapılacak asistanlık başvurularında istenen bir evrak. Diğer eyaletlerde böyle bir belge istenmese de California sınırları içindeki programlara başvuru için gerekli bir belge. Hazırlaması biraz zahmetli görünse de doğru strateji izlenerek halledilebilecek bir konu. Öncelikle PTAL hazırlama ve bunu gönderme sürecine başlamak için ECFMG sertifikası için gerekli olan Step 1 ve 2 (CK ve CS) sınavlarından geçer puan almak gerekli. PTAL, ERAS başvuru sürecinde, match için kullanılan 4 LOR dan birinin yerine yükleniyor sisteme. Yani herhangi bir programa başvuru esnasında 4 adet LOR kullanabilirken, California'daki bir programa başvururken PTAL ve 3 adet LOR kullanabiliyorsunuz.
Aşağıda aşama aşama PTAL nasıl alınırı bulabilirsiniz.
How to get the PTAL?
Step 1
Go to the applicant section of the Medical Board of California web site , then on the right upper part of the page click on the "Online Licensing Application Payment" button it will take you to "Professional Licensing Login" page where you will be eithe asked to upgrade your browser to be compatible with the application process or will start immediatly applying as a new user where you will creat a username and password. Follow the steps to complete your personal Information and do your payment (493$, non refundable fee), you will need your e mail address, date of birth and Social Security Number (SSN). Wait for the confirmation which you have to print it out for the Medical Board of California. Keep copies of it for your personal records.
Step 2
On the same above mention link there are two options "Live Scan Form" and
"Live Scan Locations", print the first form and fill it (it will generate 3 copies)and go to one of the locations present in the second mentioned link "Live Scan Locations". If you don't live in California, I advice you to take appointment and fly there, or there is another option also mentioned inside the "Live Scan Form" called the fingerprints cards, instructions are also available there.
Now we come to the PTAL application itself, it is forme of forms L1A through L1E. You need to notarize L1E. You will need a recent 2" x 3" photo of your head and shoulders.
After finihing and sending the first 3 steps, the Medical Board of California should contact you in no more than 90 days to inform you that they received your initial application, however you have to finish all the steps to get the PTAL.
Go to the Federation of State Medical Boards home page. Click on Examination Services (on your left) then click on Transcripts. Click "proceed to online form". Follow the instructions and pay $50 dollars. Select California Medical Board. Remember you will only do this step when you already have passed Step 1 and Step 2 (including CK and CS), otherwise you will need to pay again for any pending results.
Documents your medical school has to send:
1.- Form L2
•Complete your personal data (name, SSN, DOB) at the top of the form.
•Submit this form to your medical school for completion of all the information.
•The medical school official must affix his/her original signature and the seal of the medical school.
•This form must be mailed directly from the school.
2.- Official Medical school Transcript
•An original official medical school transcript must have the following:
•Prepared on university letterhead.
•Affixed with the signature of the dean/registrar.
•The medical school seal.
•Document all of the basic science and clinical courses completed during the medical curriculum.
•A transcript will need to be provided directly from each institution of attendance and submitted directly to the Medical Board of California.
•If prepared in language other than English will need to be accompanied by an original, official translation.
•This form must be mailed directly from the school.
3.- Certified copy of medical degree
•Submitted DIRECTLY from the medical school.
•To be acceptable shall contain:
•A statement on the reverse side of the copy indicating that it is a true copy of the original degree.
•An original signature of the dean or registrar immediately following the statement verifying authenticity of the copy.
•An official medical school seal affixed to the copy.
•If prepared in language other than English will need to be accompanied by an original, official translation.
•This form must be mailed directly from the school.
4.- Form L5
•You have to submit the Form L5 to your medical school for completion of all the information.
•You may print or copy as many L5 forms as necessary to provide a complete breakdown of your undergraduate clinical training.
•Include each and all clinical clerkships.
•Your medical school official must affix his/her original signature and the seal of the medical school.
•Your medical School has to send the forms back to the Medical Board of California.
NB:If you have done any rotations outside of your main medical college teaching hospital you need to fill out form L6. Otherwise it is not needed. Forms L3 and L4 are not required for the PTAL. They are used when you apply for a Licence to begin your residency.
Sending the PTAL to ECFMG/ERAS as a part of the application for the match, the following is from the ECFMG website:
Postgraduate Training Authorization Letter (PTAL) or “California Letter”
If you apply to programs in California, you must submit a Postgraduate Training Authorization Letter (PTAL) issued by the Medical Board of California with your residency applications. The PTAL was known formerly as the California Applicant Status Letter and may also be referred to simply as the “California Letter.”
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Medical Board of California will require several months to issue the PTAL. You should contact the Medical Board of California for information and apply for the PTAL well in advance of program deadlines.
You must include the PTAL as one of your LoRs in your applications to programs in California. As a result, you can assign up to three LoRs and the PTAL to any program in California. List the letter as one of your LoRs by entering “California Letter” instead of a letter writer’s name, and checking the box that indicates “This is a California Applicant Status Letter.” Then send to ERAS Support Services a copy of the letter, identified with your AAMC Identification Number and accompanied by a completed DSF.
If you do not yet have your PTAL, you need to let programs in California know that you are working to obtain one. To do this, list the letter as one of your LoRs, as described above, and submit a temporary document, such as the receipt issued by the Medical Board of California or the “Originals Returned” letter that accompanied your returned originals, with a completed DSF. When you receive the final PTAL, send a copy to ERAS Support Services at ECFMG with a completed DSF requesting that it replace the temporary document.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please list “California Letter” only once in MyERAS. Do not create a second letter entry for your final letter. There should be only one slot designated for the “California Letter.”
Obtaining a PTAL (“California Letter”)
Please contact:
Medical Board of California
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA 95815
Tel: (916) 263-2382
Information and application materials are also available by visiting or sending e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
How to renew a PTAL:
1. No fees to renew (check for any changes in the CA board website).
2. You need to mail L1A-L1E forms again to CA board after being notarized.
3. PTAL needs to be renewed every year this way until you get the license (early 3rd year). The deadline will be the date PTAL is issued.
4. If you matched this year, send the registration form ASAP to CA board. This form was mailed to you with the PTAL. IF you cannot find it, go to CA board website to download.
5. Always call your agent to ask. There is the number and name of the person's who takes care of your file at the end of the PTAL.
Do renew it even you matched, because you need it to get licensed or apply for fellowship later in CA.
How to get SSN, please follow these two links
Aşağıda aşama aşama PTAL nasıl alınırı bulabilirsiniz.
How to get the PTAL?
Step 1
Go to the applicant section of the Medical Board of California web site , then on the right upper part of the page click on the "Online Licensing Application Payment" button it will take you to "Professional Licensing Login" page where you will be eithe asked to upgrade your browser to be compatible with the application process or will start immediatly applying as a new user where you will creat a username and password. Follow the steps to complete your personal Information and do your payment (493$, non refundable fee), you will need your e mail address, date of birth and Social Security Number (SSN). Wait for the confirmation which you have to print it out for the Medical Board of California. Keep copies of it for your personal records.
Step 2
On the same above mention link there are two options "Live Scan Form" and
"Live Scan Locations", print the first form and fill it (it will generate 3 copies)and go to one of the locations present in the second mentioned link "Live Scan Locations". If you don't live in California, I advice you to take appointment and fly there, or there is another option also mentioned inside the "Live Scan Form" called the fingerprints cards, instructions are also available there.
Now we come to the PTAL application itself, it is forme of forms L1A through L1E. You need to notarize L1E. You will need a recent 2" x 3" photo of your head and shoulders.
After finihing and sending the first 3 steps, the Medical Board of California should contact you in no more than 90 days to inform you that they received your initial application, however you have to finish all the steps to get the PTAL.
Go to the Federation of State Medical Boards home page. Click on Examination Services (on your left) then click on Transcripts. Click "proceed to online form". Follow the instructions and pay $50 dollars. Select California Medical Board. Remember you will only do this step when you already have passed Step 1 and Step 2 (including CK and CS), otherwise you will need to pay again for any pending results.
Documents your medical school has to send:
1.- Form L2
•Complete your personal data (name, SSN, DOB) at the top of the form.
•Submit this form to your medical school for completion of all the information.
•The medical school official must affix his/her original signature and the seal of the medical school.
•This form must be mailed directly from the school.
2.- Official Medical school Transcript
•An original official medical school transcript must have the following:
•Prepared on university letterhead.
•Affixed with the signature of the dean/registrar.
•The medical school seal.
•Document all of the basic science and clinical courses completed during the medical curriculum.
•A transcript will need to be provided directly from each institution of attendance and submitted directly to the Medical Board of California.
•If prepared in language other than English will need to be accompanied by an original, official translation.
•This form must be mailed directly from the school.
3.- Certified copy of medical degree
•Submitted DIRECTLY from the medical school.
•To be acceptable shall contain:
•A statement on the reverse side of the copy indicating that it is a true copy of the original degree.
•An original signature of the dean or registrar immediately following the statement verifying authenticity of the copy.
•An official medical school seal affixed to the copy.
•If prepared in language other than English will need to be accompanied by an original, official translation.
•This form must be mailed directly from the school.
4.- Form L5
•You have to submit the Form L5 to your medical school for completion of all the information.
•You may print or copy as many L5 forms as necessary to provide a complete breakdown of your undergraduate clinical training.
•Include each and all clinical clerkships.
•Your medical school official must affix his/her original signature and the seal of the medical school.
•Your medical School has to send the forms back to the Medical Board of California.
NB:If you have done any rotations outside of your main medical college teaching hospital you need to fill out form L6. Otherwise it is not needed. Forms L3 and L4 are not required for the PTAL. They are used when you apply for a Licence to begin your residency.
Sending the PTAL to ECFMG/ERAS as a part of the application for the match, the following is from the ECFMG website:
Postgraduate Training Authorization Letter (PTAL) or “California Letter”
If you apply to programs in California, you must submit a Postgraduate Training Authorization Letter (PTAL) issued by the Medical Board of California with your residency applications. The PTAL was known formerly as the California Applicant Status Letter and may also be referred to simply as the “California Letter.”
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Medical Board of California will require several months to issue the PTAL. You should contact the Medical Board of California for information and apply for the PTAL well in advance of program deadlines.
You must include the PTAL as one of your LoRs in your applications to programs in California. As a result, you can assign up to three LoRs and the PTAL to any program in California. List the letter as one of your LoRs by entering “California Letter” instead of a letter writer’s name, and checking the box that indicates “This is a California Applicant Status Letter.” Then send to ERAS Support Services a copy of the letter, identified with your AAMC Identification Number and accompanied by a completed DSF.
If you do not yet have your PTAL, you need to let programs in California know that you are working to obtain one. To do this, list the letter as one of your LoRs, as described above, and submit a temporary document, such as the receipt issued by the Medical Board of California or the “Originals Returned” letter that accompanied your returned originals, with a completed DSF. When you receive the final PTAL, send a copy to ERAS Support Services at ECFMG with a completed DSF requesting that it replace the temporary document.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please list “California Letter” only once in MyERAS. Do not create a second letter entry for your final letter. There should be only one slot designated for the “California Letter.”
Obtaining a PTAL (“California Letter”)
Please contact:
Medical Board of California
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA 95815
Tel: (916) 263-2382
Information and application materials are also available by visiting or sending e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
How to renew a PTAL:
1. No fees to renew (check for any changes in the CA board website).
2. You need to mail L1A-L1E forms again to CA board after being notarized.
3. PTAL needs to be renewed every year this way until you get the license (early 3rd year). The deadline will be the date PTAL is issued.
4. If you matched this year, send the registration form ASAP to CA board. This form was mailed to you with the PTAL. IF you cannot find it, go to CA board website to download.
5. Always call your agent to ask. There is the number and name of the person's who takes care of your file at the end of the PTAL.
Do renew it even you matched, because you need it to get licensed or apply for fellowship later in CA.
How to get SSN, please follow these two links
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