Topic-icon NRMP Soru-Cevap

14 years 8 months ago #1 by Arda
NRMP Soru-Cevap was created by Arda
Kaynak : NRMP
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What will I need to use the NRMP R3 System?

If you can surf the Web and print from your browser, you should be able to use NRMP's interactive Web site. Users must have Internet Explorer version 6.0 (or greater), FireFox version 3.0, or other Mozilla compatible browsers.. Either a PC or Macintosh computer can be used provided the computer has Internet access; however, the R3 System does not support the use of Safari by Mac users. The NRMP Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) System and the release of Match Week results use such features as Java Script, Java applets, and cookies that must remain enabled for the systems to work.

What are the system requirements to access the R3 System?

System Requirements:

Access to a computer that is able to connect to the World Wide Web
Modem 28.8 bps or faster (or network connection)
16 MB of RAM (or the requirements of the browser you use)
An e-mail address is required.
Browser Requirements:

To use the Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) System, Internet Explorer version 6.0 (or greater), FireFox version 3.0, or other Mozilla compatible browsers are required.

The System functions best on Internet Explorer version 6.0. The R3 System uses features such as JavaScript, Java applets, and cookies, all of which must remain enabled for the system to work. Either a PC or Macintosh computer can be used provided the computer has Internet access; however, the R3 System does not support the use of Safari by Mac users. If you wish to use a Mac, please download a free version of Firefox for Mac using this link, .


You must have JavaScript enabled.
Important usage information for using R3:

Please do not use your browser's Back and Forward buttons. Use the navigational buttons made available to you on the Web page.
It is recommended that you close the web browser after you have logged out of R3. R3 will "time out" after a short period of time, but if you work in R3 in a public location, someone else may be able to use the Back button to view pages you have worked on. They will not be able to do any work in R3, as soon as they click any button, there will be a Security Violation error message. However, they may be able to view parts of your work. This is a feature of browsers that we can not control. Closing your browser when you are done will combat this.
Why does NRMP want my e-mail address?

E-mail is the primary mode of communication used by NRMP, so change your e-mail address as often as necessary to keep an updated email address on your personal profile in R3.

To change it, simply log into the R3 System with your AAMC ID and Password, go to Update My Profile, enter the corrected e-mail address, and click Submit.

Why have I not received e-mail from NRMP?

Many e-mail messages from NRMP are sent simultaneously to multiple applicants. Some e-mail providers use filters to ensure that users do not receive spam (junk e-mail). In some cases those filters can prevent NRMP e-mails from getting through to participants.

The good news: the majority of providers that offer such filters generally provide the user with the option to turn the filter on or off. Other providers make a "junk mail file" or a "bulk mail folder" that includes all messages sent to the user but identifies multiple-addressee e-mails. If Hotmail sends an NRMP e-mail message to the Junk Mail box, you can tell Hotmail to add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to your Save List or to send it to your in-box.

If you are not receiving e-mail from NRMP and your provider does not offer such options, we recommend that you either contact your providers to determine the best way to access such messages, or consider using an additional or replacement provider during your matching process.

For additional information on spam filtering for Hotmail or Yahoo e-mail please visit the sites below.

Yahoo - Someone sent me a message and I haven't received it. What happened?
Hotmail - Safe Sender
After login, go to page Options > Safe and blocked senders > Safe senders. To allow This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., type it in the box, and then click Add to list.
Can couples use the R3 System?

Applicants in the same fellowship match notify the NRMP of their desire to participate as a couple by providing their partner's AAMC ID through the NRMP R3 System and paying an additional $15 per partners couples fee. Applicants who are members of a couple can link their program choices on their rank order lists so that they can be matched into a combination of programs suited to their needs. Applying as a couple should not influence the selection decisions made by program directors.

During my interview, the program director asked me about other programs to which I had applied. Am I obligated to provide that information?

Section 6.0 of the Match Participation Agreement prohibits programs from requiring applicants to reveal the names or identities of programs to which they have or may apply. Any program that requires an applicant to disclose such information is in violation of NRMP policy and will be investigated by the NRMP.

How late can I add a new program or change my program's quota?

You can add a program and change program quotas up until the quota change deadline. Please check the schedule of dates for the quota change deadline date. After the quota deadline, the quota can be changed in cases of extreme emergency such as loss of funding or accreditation In such cases, programs must send a written request to the NRMP.

Can program directors make quota changes, additions, and withdrawals via the Web?

Program changes can be made on the Web by the program director, but must be approved on the Approve Changes screen by the institutional official. Program quotas cannot be changed after the quota change deadline. Please check the schedule of dates for the quota change deadline date.

Is it permissible to ask applicants where else they are applying?

Section 6.0 of the Match Participation Agreement states that applicants are free at all times to keep confidential the names or identities of programs to which they have or may apply. A program director may request the names of other programs, but it is a violation of the Agreement to require applicants to disclose that information.

Can I make changes or additions to my rank order list?

The rank order list (ROL) can be entered in one or more sessions. It can be modified or re-ordered any number of times up until 9:00 PM on the deadline day for rank order list entry. Participants in the middle of a session at 9:00 PM will not be able to complete their session and will be forced off the server. Participants are advised not to wait until the last minute to enter their rank order lists so as to avoid any problems at the deadline.

If you change your rank order list by adding, moving, or deleting a program, the change is saved and the previous rank order list is deleted from the R3 System. You must certify your ROL again for it to be used in the match.

Are previous versions of my rank order list maintained in the R3 System?

Once the currently displayed ROL has been modified online, the previous versions of the list are not retained in the R3 System, regardless of whether they were certified. The ROL that is diplayed when the particpant logs in is the only version on file with the NRMP.. Once the last updates have been made, the participant must certify the final version by the rank order list deadline in order for it to be used in the Match.

No changes can be made to your rank order list after the rank order list deadline. The NRMP will not add, delete, or move programs in any way modify your rank order list.

How often are the applicant and program lists in the R3 System updated?

Applicant and program information is displayed in real time, so users always have current information. Applicant and program lists are updated in the R3 System whenever an applicant or program changes the list.

Will I be able to print a copy of my rank order list after or before my submission?

Yes. You can print a copy of your rank order list at any step during the process by using the Web browser print button or the View/Print ROL link on the My Rank Order List page, which opens a printer-friendly version. The NRMP recommends that applicants print a copy of their certified rank order list to keep in their records.

Will I get a confirmation that NRMP received my certified rank order list?

Yes. When you certify your rank order list, NRMP will send you an e-mail confirmation that includes the number of programs on your list.

How does NRMP know when I've finished my rank order list?

When you have entered all of your ranks, you must certify your rank order list (ROL). Click the red Certify List button. You will then be asked to enter your Password. If you make changes to your rank order list, you must recertify it. A Match Status of CERTIFIED ROL in the header (where your name, AAMC ID, etc. are displayed) is the indication that you have finished your rank order list.

Is there a limit to the number of ranks I can submit via the Web?

There is no limit and no extra charge to programs or applicants for entering their rank order list.

Can anyone else see my rank order list?

You are the only one, other than the NRMP staff, who can access your rank order list unless you give your AAMC ID and password to someone else. Your rank order list is limited to need-to-know NRMP staff.

How will I know if I matched to a program?

Beginning at noon Eastern Time on Match Day, applicants may use their AAMC ID's and password to access the web-based Registration, Ranking and Results (R3) System and

1) find out whether they matched and, if so, to which program, and
2) view associated reports.

Match results information also is available to applicants by calling the NRMP office at (202) 862-6077 or 1-866-617-5834.

I matched to a program, but I just learned that I am ineligible to begin training. What should I do?

The Match Participation Agreement states in Section 2.1 that applicants must meet ACGME and institutional requirements prior to the start of training in order to be eligible for the matched position. If you learn you are ineligible to honor your match, you must immediately notify the NRMP in writing so that the NRMP can determine whether you and/or the program qualify for a waiver.

What happens if I do not match?

Applicants who learn at noon Eastern Time on Match Day that they did not match to a program can access the List of Unfilled Programs that displays a list of available positions for unmatched applicants. Applicants can also can access the following documents that are posted to the web-based Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) System at noon eastern time on Match Day:

Match Outcome for All Programs by State, displays the number of positions offered and filled for all programs in the Match.
Match Results Statistics, provides detailed statistical information about the programs, positions, and applicants in the Match.
How will I know if my program(s) filled?

Beginning at noon Eastern Time on Match Day, program directors and institutional officials may use their AAMC IDs and password to access the Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) System and obtain match results and associated reports. Program directors can learn who matched to their program, as well as the number of unfilled positions, if any, by accessing the Confidential Roster of Matched Applicants report. The Confidential Roster of Matched Applicants report can be found under the "My Reports" option on the left bar menu. Institutional officials also may gain access to Match Day reports under the "My Reports" option on the left bar menu.

What happens if my program does not fill?

Program directors who learn at noon Eastern Time on Match Day that they did not fill their positions can access the List of Unmatched Applicants that displays a list of potential candidates for programs that went unfilled. In addition, programs can access the following documents that are posted to the web-based Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) System at noon eastern time on Match Day:

Match Outcome for All Programs by State, displays the number of positions offered and filled for all programs in the Match.
Match Results Statistics, provides detailed statistical information about the programs, positions, and applicants in the Match.
Match Results by Ranked Applicant, displays the match results for each applicant ranked by the program; the NRMP's confidentiality policy restricts it from releasing information about how specific applicants rank specific programs.
How do I know if an applicant has matched to another NRMP match-participating program?

The NRMP's Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) System includes an Applicant Match History that must be used by program directors and NRMP institutional officials to determine, prior to offering the applicant an interview, whether that applicant has a binding match commitment to another NRMP match-participating program. The Applicant Match History lists the match status of an applicant and indicates whether that applicant has requested a waiver of the match commitment and/or been involved in an NRMP violation investigation.

The Applicant Match History is available throughout the year. To access it, you must log in to the R3 System using your AAMC ID number and password. From the left menu bar, click the 'Applicant Match History' link. System users can search for records by an applicant's AAMC ID, SSN, or name.

What happens if I match to a program and I decide not to accept the position?

The Match Participation Agreement to which you affixed your password when you registered for the Match states that a match between an applicant and a program creates a binding commitment to accept a position if a match results and to begin training on the date specified in the appointment contract. A decision not to honor that commitment is a breach of the Agreement and will be investigated by the NRMP in accordance with the Policies and Procedures for the Reporting, Investigation, and Disposition of Violations of NRMP Agreements. Penalties may be levied if a violation is confirmed.

Under certain limited circumstances, the NRMP may grant to an applicant or program a waiver of the match commitment if honoring the Match outcome would result in serious and extreme hardship. Waivers must be requested from, and can be granted only by, the NRMP. Click here for additional information on the waiver review process.

What happens if I ask the program for a waiver from my Match commitment?

The program cannot grant you a waiver from your Match commitment. Once a party has matched, a waiver of the binding match commitment may be obtained only from the NRMP. If you submit to the NRMP a request for a waiver, the NRMP will investigate to determine whether the waiver should be granted. If a waiver is not granted by the NRMP, you will be expected to accept the matched position. If your waiver is denied and you do not accept the position to which you matched, you may be prohibited from accepting a position in another NRMP match-participating program if training would being within one year from the date of the NRMP's final decision to deny the waiver; in addition, the NRMP will initiate an investigation in accordance with the Policies and Procedures for the Reporting, Investigation, and Disposition of Violations of NRMP Agreements. If an NRMP match-participating program offers you a position to begin training during the one-year prohibition, that program also will be investigated to determine whether it violated the Match Participation Agreement.
I've signed a contract outside the Match. What happens now?

Under the terms of the Match Participation Agreement, an independent applicant who accepts a concurrent year position outside the Matching Program or through another national matching service must withdraw from the Matching Program. Withdrawal must be completed prior to the rank order list deadline. Failure to do so is a violation of the Match Agreement, which will be investigated by the NRMP in accordance with the Policies and Procedures for the Reporting, Investigation, and Disposition of Violations of NRMP Agreements. Independent applicants who elect to participate in the Match are prohibited from accepting a concurrent year position outside the Matching Program or through another national matching service after the rank order list deadline.

How can I learn whether an institution or program I am interested in ranking has been the subject of a violation investigation conducted by the NRMP?

The NRMP maintains an Institution and Program Violations Report in the Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) System that is available to applicants who register for any NRMP match. The report displays information about graduate medical education programs and sponsoring institutions that have violated the Match Participation Agreement. Term limits of any sanction(s) imposed for the violation are included to identify the length of time the sanction is in effect

What does it mean in the R3 System when it states that a program is the subject of "pending action"?

When a violation investigation of an institution or program results in an adverse decision and the adverse action is contested, the institution or program is designated with "pending action" in the R3 System. The designation remains in place until the institution or program has waived or exhausted the opportunity to contest the action pursuant to the Violations Policy. Once the Final Report of the investigation has been issued, the program will be listed on the Institution and Program Violations Report if the NRMP concluded there was a breach of the Match Participation Agreement.

What is the process if I'm investigated for a Match violation?

Subsequent to receiving a report of an alleged violation, the NRMP will contact the applicant and any other individuals with knowledge of the situation and prepare a Preliminary Report that documents the nature of the allegation.

If the results of the investigation indicate that a material violation has not occurred, the case will be closed and all parties will be so notified.

If the results of the investigation indicate a material violation occurred, the Preliminary Report will be distributed to the subject of the investigation, the individual who reported the violation, and any other parties who provided information material to the investigation for their review and to correct the additional information provided to the NRMP.

The Preliminary Report will be reviewed by a Review Panel of the NRMP's Violations Review Committee, which will make the final determination of whether a violation occurred and, if so, the appropriate penalty. A Review Panel Report will be issued to the subject of the violation, who will have ten business days to notify the NRMP of the intent to initiate arbitration. If the subject of the violation initiates arbitration, the NRMP will note in the Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) System that the party is the subject of a "pending action". That designation will remain in place for the duration of the arbitration process. In addition, if the subject of the violation initiates arbitration, he/she has thirty days from receipt of the Review Panel Report to file with the American Arbitration Association. If the subject of the violation does not request arbitration within ten business days, the Review Panel Report will become the Final Report, and it will be issued to all parties listed on the Report. All Match registrants should review carefully The Policies and Procedures for the Reporting, Investigation, and Disposition of Violations of NRMP Agreements.

A non-match-participating program at my institution offered a position to an applicant who has a concurrent year match to another program. Is my institution liable?

Institution officials are responsible for ensuring that none of their programs, regardless of match participation status, discusses or offers a position to an applicant who has matched to a concurrent year position in another program and who is ineligible because a waiver has not been granted and/or a violation has been confirmed. If any of the institution's programs discusses or offers a position to an applicant who has matched to a concurrent year position, the institution will be in breach of the Match Agreement and subject to a violation investigation.

An applicant has contacted me about an open position in my program. What information can I share?

Prior to discussing, interviewing for, or offering a position to an applicant, program directors shall determine the applicant's eligibility for appointment. Any program that discusses, interviews for, or offers a position to an applicant who has matched to a concurrent year position in another program and who has not been granted a waiver by the NRMP will be subject to a violation investigation by the NRMP. Programs must determine the applicant's eligibility by verifying the applicant's match status in the Applicant Match History that is available in the Match Site and/or by calling the NRMP to obtain that information.

What do I do if an applicant who matched to my program does not show up for training?

The Match Participation Agreement to which you affixed your password when you registered for the Match states that a match between an applicant and a program creates a binding commitment to offer and accept a position if a match results and to begin training on the date specified in the appointment contract. A decision not to honor that commitment is a breach of the Agreement. Accordingly, program directors are expected to report to the NRMP the name of any applicant who does not honor his/her match commitment. Program directors also must request a waiver of the match commitment if they wish to recruit another candidate for the position. The NRMP will initiate a violation investigation of the applicant in accordance with the NRMP's Policies and Procedures for the Reporting, Investigation, and Disposition of Violations of NRMP Agreements.

Do I need to request a waiver of my match commitment to an applicant who does not show up for training?

If for any reason a program wishes to recruit a candidate for a position left vacant by a matched applicant, the program must submit to the NRMP a written request for a waiver, even if training for other residents already has begun. The NRMP's decision to grant or deny the waiver is at the sole discretion of the NRMP and is not subject to arbitration. Programs may not discuss, interview for, or offer the matched position to another candidate prior to the NRMP issuing its decision as to whether to grant the requested waiver.

Can I offer a position to an applicant who has been released by his/her matched program?

As stated in Section 3.3 of the Match Participation Agreement, applicants and programs are not authorized to release each other from their binding match commitment. Once a party has matched, a waiver of the binding match commitment may be obtained only from the NRMP; accordingly, applicants released by their matched program are not eligible for a concurrent-year appointment to another program until the NRMP has granted a waiver. Programs that offer concurrent year positions to applicants who have not received a waiver from the NRMP will be subject to a violation investigation. The NRMP's decision to grant or deny the waiver is at the sole discretion of the NRMP and is not subject to arbitration.
An applicant who matched to my program has asked to be released. It would not jeopardize my program to release her, and I have another candidate to whom I could offer the position. Can I release the matched applicant and offer the position to another candidate?

The NRMP has sole discretion over the waiver review process; applicants and programs are not authorized to release each other from their binding match commitment. If the NRMP approves a waiver request, the applicant may accept a position in another program and the program may recruit another candidate. If the NRMP does not approve the waiver request, the applicant and program are expected to honor the match. Moreover, Section 5.1 of the Match Participation Agreement prohibits a program from discussing or offering a position to an applicant who is matched to a concurrent year position in another program and who has not been granted a waiver by the NRMP. If an NRMP match-participating program discusses or offers a position to an applicant who has not been granted a waiver, the NRMP will initiate an investigation to determine whether the applicant or the program has violated the terms of the Agreement.

What does it mean in the R3 System when it states that an applicant is the subject of "pending action"?

When a violation investigation of an applicant results in an adverse decision and the adverse decision is contested, the applicant is designated with "pending action" in the R3 System. The designation remains in place until the applicant has waived or exhausted the opportunity to contest the action pursuant to the Violations Policy. Once the Final Report of the investigation has been issued, a summary of the nature of the violation and any sanctions imposed will be accessible in the Applicant Match History if the NRMP concluded that the applicant breached the Match Participation Agreement.

What is the process if I'm investigated for a Match violation?

Subsequent to receiving a report of an alleged violation, the NRMP will contact the applicant and any other individuals with knowledge of the situation and prepare a Preliminary Report that documents the nature of the allegation.

If the results of the investigation indicate that a material violation has not occurred, the case will be closed and all parties will be so notified.

If the results of the investigation indicate a material violation occurred, the Preliminary Report will be distributed to the subject of the investigation, the individual who reported the violation, and any other parties who provided information material to the investigation for their review and to correct the additional information provided to the NRMP.

The Preliminary Report will be reviewed by a Review Panel of the NRMP's Violations Review Committee, which will make the final determination of whether a violation occurred and, if so, the appropriate penalty. A Review Panel Report will be issued to the subject of the violation, who will have ten business days to notify the NRMP of the intent to initiate arbitration. If the subject of the violation initiates arbitration, the NRMP will note in the Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) System that the party is the subject of a "pending action". That designation will remain in place for the duration of the arbitration process. In addition, if the subject of the violation initiates arbitration, he/she has thirty days from receipt of the Review Panel Report to file with the American Arbitration Association. If the subject of the violation does not request arbitration within ten business days, the Review Panel Report will become the Final Report, and it will be issued to all parties listed on the Report. All Match registrants should review carefully The Policies and Procedures for the Reporting, Investigation, and Disposition of Violations of NRMP Agreements.

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